1. Empirical Regularities#

import os
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import seaborn as sns

Why the study of economic growth and its attendant economic development issues?

Before we begin with our study proper, let’s gaze at some data.

Like stargazers thousands of years before us, economists seek to discover how much observed, or more precisely, measured “reality” will motivate us with questions.

These questions further drive us to develop useful frameworks for causal reasoning.

1.1. The Maddison Dataset#

Let us begin by taking a look at the Maddison Project Database 2020 dataset. Some tasks are inspired by Omer Ozak’s notes.

STEP 1. Check or create folders for storing data and graphs.

data_dir = './data/'

if not os.path.exists(data_dir):

STEP 2. Get the data.

# Database vintage
db_year = "2020"
db_region_year = "2018"
stata_dformat = ".dta"

# Filenames
mad_stata = "Maddison" + db_year + stata_dformat
madregion_stata = "Maddison" + db_region_year + "_region" + stata_dformat

    # if previously downloaded to directory ``data_dir``
    df_mad = pd.read_stata(data_dir + mad_stata)
    df_madregion = pd.read_stata(data_dir + madregion_stata)
    # otherwise download from Groningen Growth and Development Centre ...
    mad_url = "https://www.rug.nl/ggdc/historicaldevelopment/maddison/data/"
    df_mad = pd.read_stata(mad_url + "mpd2018.dta")
    df_madregion = pd.read_stata(mad_url + "mpd2018_region_data.dta")
    # then write/save to STATA file with new name
    df_mad.to_stata(data_dir + mad_stata, 
                    write_index=False, version=117)
    df_madregion.to_stata(data_dir + madregion_stata, 
                          write_index=False, version=117)

STEP 3. Quick inspection of the dataframes.

countrycode country year gdppc pop
0 AFG Afghanistan 1820 NaN 3280.00000
1 AFG Afghanistan 1870 NaN 4207.00000
2 AFG Afghanistan 1913 NaN 5730.00000
3 AFG Afghanistan 1950 1156.0000 8150.00000
4 AFG Afghanistan 1951 1170.0000 8284.00000
... ... ... ... ... ...
21677 ZWE Zimbabwe 2014 1594.0000 13313.99205
21678 ZWE Zimbabwe 2015 1560.0000 13479.13812
21679 ZWE Zimbabwe 2016 1534.0000 13664.79457
21680 ZWE Zimbabwe 2017 1582.3662 13870.26413
21681 ZWE Zimbabwe 2018 1611.4052 14096.61179

21682 rows × 5 columns

region region_name year cgdppc rgdpnapc pop
0 af Africa 1870.0 NaN NaN NaN
1 af Africa 1871.0 NaN NaN NaN
2 af Africa 1872.0 NaN NaN NaN
3 af Africa 1873.0 NaN NaN NaN
4 af Africa 1874.0 NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1034 wd World 2012.0 13821.0 13818.0 6992923.0
1035 wd World 2013.0 14038.0 14090.0 7072213.0
1036 wd World 2014.0 14261.0 14376.0 7152269.0
1037 wd World 2015.0 14500.0 14616.0 7231375.0
1038 wd World 2016.0 14574.0 14692.0 7311687.0

1039 rows × 6 columns

Note that the year series in df_madregion contains floating-point numbers or floats.


That is not so nice. (Why?) Let’s change that into integers.

df_madregion["year"] = df_madregion["year"].astype(int)
region region_name year cgdppc rgdpnapc pop
0 af Africa 1870 NaN NaN NaN
1 af Africa 1871 NaN NaN NaN
2 af Africa 1872 NaN NaN NaN
3 af Africa 1873 NaN NaN NaN
4 af Africa 1874 NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1034 wd World 2012 13821.0 13818.0 6992923.0
1035 wd World 2013 14038.0 14090.0 7072213.0
1036 wd World 2014 14261.0 14376.0 7152269.0
1037 wd World 2015 14500.0 14616.0 7231375.0
1038 wd World 2016 14574.0 14692.0 7311687.0

1039 rows × 6 columns

Let us re-index or project the original dataframes df and df_madregion by or onto the year series. This will turn out to be useful for plotting things later!

See this useful pandas lecture here for more information.

df = df_mad.set_index(["year"])
dfr = df_madregion.set_index(["year"])

Let’s have a look at a snippet of the dataframe. Here’s a first few rows:

countrycode country gdppc pop
1820 AFG Afghanistan NaN 3280.0
1870 AFG Afghanistan NaN 4207.0
1913 AFG Afghanistan NaN 5730.0
1950 AFG Afghanistan 1156.0 8150.0
1951 AFG Afghanistan 1170.0 8284.0

Here’s the last few rows:

region region_name cgdppc rgdpnapc pop
2012 wd World 13821.0 13818.0 6992923.0
2013 wd World 14038.0 14090.0 7072213.0
2014 wd World 14261.0 14376.0 7152269.0
2015 wd World 14500.0 14616.0 7231375.0
2016 wd World 14574.0 14692.0 7311687.0

1.1.1. Postcards for our journey ahead#

We will also select a few countries for comparison.

# Specify your selected countries as list
country_list = ["United States", 
                "United Kingdom", 

We’ll reshape the dataframe df to be able to plot the time series of log real GDP by each country.

# Reshape df 
df_pivot = df.reset_index().pivot(index="year", 
df_sel = df_pivot[country_list]
df_sel = df_sel.dropna().apply(np.log)

# Auto marker styles, for plotting
marker_style = list(Line2D.markers.keys())

Exercise 1.1

Why did we transform the real GDP data series above into their natural logarithms?

# Now plot it
title = "Log real GDP per capita"
                    bbox_to_anchor=(0.9, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5),

Exercise 1.2

Comment on the evolution of (log) per-capita GDP of the countries in the figure above.

Use the United States as a reference country. Comment on the trajectories of Singapore, Botswana, Brazil and Spain.

What economic questions can we potentially be asking?

We do the same too for the by-region sorted dataframe dfr:

dfr["lrgdpnapc"] = dfr["rgdpnapc"].apply(np.log)
region region_name cgdppc rgdpnapc pop lrgdpnapc
1870 af Africa NaN NaN NaN NaN
1871 af Africa NaN NaN NaN NaN
1872 af Africa NaN NaN NaN NaN
1873 af Africa NaN NaN NaN NaN
1874 af Africa NaN NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2012 wd World 13821.0 13818.0 6992923.0 9.533728
2013 wd World 14038.0 14090.0 7072213.0 9.553221
2014 wd World 14261.0 14376.0 7152269.0 9.573316
2015 wd World 14500.0 14616.0 7231375.0 9.589872
2016 wd World 14574.0 14692.0 7311687.0 9.595058

1039 rows × 6 columns


1.1.2. Cross-country inequality over time#

Let’s take snapshots of the distribution of income per capita across countries.

We’ll pick a few same years for the snapshots to see how the distributions evolve of the decades.

# Sample snapshot years
select_years = [1950,1980,2008, 2018]

# Apply the sample years, transpose the dataframe
# just for ease of reading. We'll assign this to a 
# new dataframe, df_dens
df_dens = df_pivot.loc[select_years].T

Instead of plotting the empirical distributions as histograms, we’ll fit smooth kernel density estimators of these.

First, let’s take a look at the distributions over the level of real GDP per capita:

# Kernel density estimates
df_dens.plot.kde( style=marker_style, 
                  title="Cross-country density estimates by GDP per capita",

Second, we will look at the densities of the natural log transform of the same data:

df_pivot_log = df_pivot.apply(np.log)
df_pivot_log_dens = df_pivot_log.loc[select_years].T

figure_title="Cross-country density estimates by log GDP per capita"
df_pivot_log_dens.plot.kde( style=marker_style,

Exercise 1.3

Comment on the figures above.

What can you conclude about world income per capita and inequality as time progressed?

What sorts of questions can we ask?

Hint: Read Chapter 1.1 to 1.4 of Acemoglu [1]!

1.2. Conditional Convergence#

Let’s work with a concrete example:

We want to import some data about countries and their long-run macroeconomic outcomes.

Original data source: Penn World Tables data provided through the Groningen Growth and Development Centre.

This example was adapted from Jon Conning’s material.

Let’s download the data …

data_dir = './data/'

if not os.path.exists(data_dir):
filename = "country.dta"
URL = "https://github.com/jhconning/Dev-II/blob/master/notebooks/data/"

    # if previously downloaded to directory ``data_dir``
    df = pd.read_stata(data_dir + filename)
    # otherwise download from J. Conning's repo ...
    # Escape to server shell (!) and use WGET to download to current directory
    !wget -L "https://github.com/jhconning/Dev-II/blob/master/notebooks/data/country.dta?raw=true" -O country.dta
    # import data as a Pandas dataframe:
    df = pd.read_stata("country.dta")
    # then write/save to directory ``data_dir``
    df.to_stata(data_dir + filename, 
                    write_index=False, version=117)
# Display dataframe content
isocode country cont ggdp gpop open60 sav60 lxrd60 lxrdav savav openav lgdp60 lpop60
0 GHA Ghana Africa 2.990764 2.577389 67.866135 60.527485 0.852252 0.600432 13.394326 42.227081 -0.634748 1.939933
1 MAR Morocco Africa 2.453598 2.214207 46.277290 9.332626 0.503584 0.918777 11.590545 47.401264 0.515019 2.519584
2 COM Comoros Africa -0.014582 2.878329 57.538712 6.700409 1.902229 1.482772 11.446098 57.030586 0.555129 -1.698821
3 MLI Mali Africa 0.755422 2.165016 42.134323 4.308089 1.916554 1.203254 8.405947 48.412022 0.020564 1.500997
4 GAB Gabon Africa 1.268704 2.521714 72.452179 20.357958 1.315058 0.710294 7.738871 94.919189 2.073140 -0.807430
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
92 CHL Chile S. America 1.848451 1.730081 29.795073 29.349722 0.650374 0.655199 18.732784 43.862640 1.846538 2.026219
93 DOM Dominican Republic S. America 2.663763 2.374352 68.969223 5.131092 0.606269 0.755264 10.170477 76.201607 0.998264 1.172943
94 BRB Barbados S. America 1.812256 0.411359 98.748535 5.806423 1.417267 0.932263 4.997591 114.205284 2.162862 -1.459558
95 URY Uruguay S. America 1.352161 0.688982 17.299664 14.389812 0.324334 0.583185 13.030991 33.351215 1.965475 0.928602
96 PAN Panama S. America 2.719175 2.262045 132.864792 14.117195 0.334513 0.488325 18.435352 155.472107 1.157346 0.137681

97 rows × 13 columns

The series of interest here are cross-country observations of

  • lgdp60 (the log of per-capita real GDP in the year 1960), and,

  • ggdp (the average growth rate between 1960 and 1990).

Let’s plot their relationship as scatterplots, clustered by:

  • all countries, and,

  • all countries excluding African continent countries.

1.2.1. All Countries#

g = sns.jointplot(x="lgdp60", y="ggdp", 
                  color ="orange")

1.2.2. All but African countries#

g = sns.jointplot(x="lgdp60", y="ggdp", 
                  data=df[df.cont !="Africa"], 
                  color ="green")

1.2.3. Exercise#

Exercise 1.4

Comment on the two scatterplot above.

What does the last figure suggest about the possibility of some poorer countries catching up to the richer ones?

Exercise 1.5

What is conditional convergence in cross-country incomes per capita?

How do economists (Robert Barro) take the casual, scatterplot motivations above to find evidence of conditional convergence?

Provide a detailed discussion of the empirical method and model and the evidence discovered.

1.3. Further reading#

Quah [21] uses data from a large number of countries to analyze the dynamics of cross-country income inequality and economic growth. He was the first to document the “emerging twin-peaks” phenomenon in the cross-sectional distribution of income across countries. See also the survey article by Jones [12].

Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson [2] suggest that the world income distribution underwent a ‘reversal of fortune’ from 1500 to the present. In their study, they claim that formerly rich countries in the current developing world became poor while some poor countries had grown rich. They hypothesize that this reversal was driven by changes in institutions arising from European colonialism. (The authors use data on urbanization patterns and population density, arguing that these are good proxies for economic prosperity.) Acemoglu, Naidu, Restrepo, and Robinson [3] make a further causal claim that democracy is an important institution that has a positive effect on GDP per capita.