7. Approximating SSE operators¶
The goal ahead is to approximate and provide computable representations of:
- each candidate correspondence ; and
- the operator .
7.1. Conceptual¶
Recall denotes a partition of , so . An upper hemicontinuous, compact- and convex-valued correspondence can be approximated by step-valued correspondences using the following procedures: Letting
the correspondence defined by gives an outer step-valued approximation of .
Similarly, letting
the correspondence defined by yields an inner step-valued approximation of .
7.2. Practical¶
Since the convex-valued approximations and are constant on each partition element , and there are partition elements, these approximations can be further approximated by constructing outer and inner approximations for the sets and using convex polytopes. Let be the unit -sphere where the norm is given by . Suppose we have finite sets of directional vectors: and . Let and denote the corresponding polytope approximations, respectively, of and , where
Let and denote the resulting correspondences. One would like the “true” correspondence to be “sandwiched” by polytope “step-correspondences” from the outside, and, by from the inside. [2]
The last statement (1) is only true if the step-correspondence levels and are defined, respectively, as the maximal and minimal levels over each domain partition element , in each direction or . [1]
In the next section, we show how to construct these upper- and lower bounding estimates and by using stochastic global optimization programs and also separable bilinear program formulations, when represents a candidate guess of the symmetric sequential equilibrium payoff correspondence in our class of games.
[1] | In the context of our game, where stands for a candidate guess of the equilibrium value correspondence, the last statement (1) is only true if the step-correspondence levels and are defined, respectively, as the globally maximal and minimal values of each nonlinear programming problem (which is defined over each state-space partition element , in each direction or ) that summarizes the concept of symmetric sequential equilibrium of the game. |
[2] | This idea of providing both upper- and lower-bounding estimates of a given correspondence was first proposed by [JYC2003] in the computation of repeated games. Our proposed method is a modification of [SY2000] who in turn extended [JYC2003] to the computation of value correspondences in dynamic games. Our contribution will be in the form of bilinear programming formulations as a practical and computable means of constructing these approximate correspondences. |