LAEF Invited Papers (Day 1 - 3)#

  First Name Last Name Affiliation Paper Coauthors Keywords
L01 Sam Ng University of Melbourne On Endogenous Markups Distribution and the Pecuniary Externality of Credit on Monetary Exchange Timothy Kam, Junsang Lee, Hyungsuk Lee Banking and Credit, Retail Markup, Market Power, Price Dispersion.
L01 Liang Wang University of Hawaii Hegemony or Harmony? A Unified Framework for the International Monetary System Tao Liu, Dong Lu International, Money, Multipolar, Safe Assets, Unipolar.
L02 Yanran Guo University of Queensland Taxing Top Incomes in a World of Entrepreneurs NONE Macroeconomics, Entrepreneurship, Firm dynamics, Income and Wealth distributions, Taxation
L02 Marek Kapiçka CERGE-EI Optimal Fiscal Policy under Preference Heterogeneity NONE fiscal policy, Epstein-Zin, Mirrlees taxation, aggregate shocks
L03 Allen Head Queen's University Firm Heterogeneity, Consumer Search and Pass-through: Theory and Estimation Alex Chernoff, Beverly Lapham Search, Price setting, Firm heterogeneity, Estimation, Pass-through