DAY 3 (December 8)#

Day 3

  • Parallel Sessions

  • Plenary LAEF Session

  • AGM

  • Plenary Lecture: Roberto Rigobon

9 am - 10 am - Parallel Sessions#

Market Power: Firm Heterogeneity and Banking Concentration#

  • Each paper: 30 minutes (25’ talk, 5’ Q&A)

  • Location: CR-E2-01, Level 2 East Wing

  First Name Last Name Affiliation Paper Coauthors Keywords
A08 Mei Dong University of Melbourne Banking Concentration and Loan Market Power in the Presence of Private Information Stella Huangfu, Timothy Kam, Sam Ng Banking market power, concentration, private information
A08 Wing Miriam Feng Alivate LLC (formerly affiliated with Queen's and National Taiwan Normal University) Monopolistic Competition with Consumer Search and Heterogeneous Firms Stella Huangfu Monopolistic Competition, Consumer Search, Firm Heterogeneity

Empirics and Monetary Policy#

  • Each paper: 30 minutes (25’ talk, 5’ Q&A)

  • Location: CR-W2-03, Level 2 West Wing

  First Name Last Name Affiliation Paper Coauthors Keywords
E08 Qazi Haque The University of Adelaide Can We Use High-frequency Yield Data to Better Understand the Effects of Monetary Policy and Its Communication? Yes and No! Jonathan Hambur High-frequency data, Affine term structure model, Multidimensional policy shocks, Monetary Policy transmission
E08 Mitsuru Katagiri Hosei University To Lend or Not to Lend: The Bank of Japan's ETF Purchase Program and Securities Lending Koji Takahashi, Junnosuke Shino Large-scale asset purchase (LSAP), ETF purchase program, stock lending market, Bank of Japan

Education, AI, Skills, and Inequality#

  • Each paper: 30 minutes (25’ talk, 5’ Q&A)

  • Location: CR-W2-05, Level 2 West Wing

  First Name Last Name Affiliation Paper Coauthors Keywords
A09 Cagri Kumru Australian National University Externalities Induced Education Subsidy Monisankar Bishnu, Jiu Lian Educational subsidy, Optimal tax rates, Externalities
A09 Murat Ungor University of Otago The AI Revolution with 21st Century Skills: Implications for the Wage Inequality and Technical Change Rachael Grant Artificial Intelligence, Inequality, Technological Change, Wages.

10 am - 10.30 am#

Morning Tea

  • Foyer, Asia School of Business

10.30 am - 11.40 pm - Plenary Session#

LAEF 3 - Monetary Economics and Policy#

  • Each paper: 40 minutes (30’ talk, 5’ discussion, 5’ Q&A)

    • Discussants: Benoit Julien (UNSW), Wing Feng (Alivate LLC)

  • Location: CR-W2-05, Level 2 West Wing

  First Name Last Name Affiliation Paper Coauthors Keywords
L01 Sam Ng University of Melbourne On Endogenous Markups Distribution and the Pecuniary Externality of Credit on Monetary Exchange Timothy Kam, Junsang Lee, Hyungsuk Lee Banking and Credit, Retail Markup, Market Power, Price Dispersion.
L01 Liang Wang University of Hawaii Hegemony or Harmony? A Unified Framework for the International Monetary System Tao Liu, Dong Lu International, Money, Multipolar, Safe Assets, Unipolar.

Annual General Meeting (11.45 am - 12.30 pm)#

  • Location: CR-W2-05, Level 2 West Wing

12.30 pm - 1.30 pm Lunch Break (12.30 pm - 1.30 pm)#

1.30 pm - 2.30 pm - Parallel Sessions#

Empirics of Heterogeneous Household Behavior and FX Intervention#

  • Each paper: 30 minutes (25’ talk, 5’ Q&A)

  • Location: CR-W2-03, Level 2 West Wing

  First Name Last Name Affiliation Paper Coauthors Keywords
E09 Husnu Dalgic University of Mannheim Sterilized FX Interventions: Benefits and Risks Santiago Camara, Lawrence Christiano FX Interventions, Monetary Policy, Small Open Economy, Financial Flows
E09 Aditi Singh Shiv Nadar University, India What Determines Household Expectations? Anushka Mitra Macroeconomics, Behavioral Economics, Households, Household Expectation, Inflation, Unemployment, Labor Market

Labor Sorting, Gender Gap and Participation#

  • Each paper: 30 minutes (25’ talk, 5’ Q&A)

  • Location: CR-W2-05, Level 2 West Wing

  First Name Last Name Affiliation Paper Coauthors Keywords
E10 Han Gao University of New South Wales, Economics Department Labor Market Sorting and Social Security in Developing Countries Kathleen McKiernan Labor Market Sorting, Formal and Informal Sectors, Social Security.
E10 Srinivasan Murali Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Gender Gap and Decline in Female Labour Force Participation in India: A Joint Search Perspective Monisankar Bishnu, S Chandrasekhar Labour force participation, Gender gap, Time use, Job search

2.30 pm - 3 pm#

Afternoon Tea

  • Foyer, Asia School of Business

3 pm - 4 pm - Plenary Lecture#

Roberto Rigobon (MIT Sloan)

  • Location: CR-W2-05, Level 2 West Wing

  • Zoom Link

    • Meeting ID: 957 8507 2165

    • Passcode: WAMS2023

  • Session chair: Ozer Karagedikli (ASB)

  • Topic: ESG and the Measurement of Unethical Behavior

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Roberto Rigobon is the Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Management and a Professor of Applied Economics at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He makes important contributions in the areas of international economics, monetary economics, and development economics. Roberto studies the causes of balance-of-payments crises, financial crises, and their propagation and contagion across countries. Currently he studies properties of international pricing practices and provides alternative measures of inflation. Professor Rigobon is one of the two founders of the Billion Prices Project, and a co-founder of PriceStats.