H eterogeneous
A gent
R ecursive
D ynamic
P ublic
I nsurance
G ames.
This web documentation details the methods proposed in the paper by Kam and Stauber, “Computing Dynamic Public Insurance Games with Endogenous Agent Distributions”.
is a downloadable PDF version of the documentation.
- 1. State Space
- 2. Actions and Transitions
- 3. Intersections with State-space Partitions
- 4. Sampling on State-space Partitions
- 5. State Space Computations
- 6. Equilibrium Payoff Correspondence
- 7. Approximating SSE operators
- 8. Bilinear programs and SSE operator
- 9. Punishment values and BLPs
- 10. Computing approximate SSE payoffs
HARDPIG relies on the following software:
MATLAB platform
YALMIP BMIBNB global optimization solver
- Bilinear Matrix Inequality Branch-and-Bound solver
GNU GLPK linear programming solver (in ANSI C)
SNOPT general-purpose local optimization solver (Fortran)
- MATLAB Executable binaries files for up to 300 variables and 300 constraints available freely from Phillip E. Gill.
Source codes (in MATLAB) and executables (in C/Fortran) are available from the authors via email.